Circular11 Logo Reversed
Circular11 Logo

With Us

We believe that everyone should be able to make an impact, no matter who you are or how much waste you create. That’s why anyone can recycle with us, whether you send it to us one box at a time, or work with us to create bespoke formulations in order to take your organisation’s waste streams.

Community Recycling In 3 Easy Steps:


Check It

Check you have the right plastic types and make sure it is free from any contamination, like metals, foils and labels.


Clean It

Plastic needs to be free of food, dirt and other contaminants before we can give it a new life.


Send It

Box it, bag it, or carry it to one of our two collection sites.

Be accountable for your waste, knowing that 100% of your plastic is being recycled, rather than getting lost in the green bin forever. We can even make products from your very own waste, narrating a compelling sustainability story. Each time you recycle with circular11, you are directly feeding into our ongoing research by helping to find new ways to recycle what was previously thought of as ‘waste plastic’. In doing so, you’re becoming part of something bigger than any one of us: a circular economy fit for the future.

Plastics We Recycle




Bottle Tops

Buckets & Boxes

Opaque Liquid Containers




Punnets and Crates

Plant Pots & Tree Guards

Disposable Cups and Plates




Squeeze Bottles

All other Bottle Tops




CVD & Video Cases

Takeaway Cup Lids

Disposable Cutlery

Plant Trays

Large Scale Waste Streams

If you’re looking for recycling pathways for larger-scale operational waste, we need to know more about the polymer composition, waste source and expected volume, along with an initial 20kg sample. This allows us to perform a range of initial tests which we use to adapt our composite formulations to your waste stream. Once this is done, we can complete final large-scale testing, and take much higher volumes of waste . To find out more contact us below:

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